Saturday, February 25

Reviewing My Last Semester's English Classes

(post inspired by passioninseoul ^_^)

So, last semester I took a few English courses at Yonsei University, plus the intensive morning Korean language class at the language institute on campus :)

Contemporary Korean Cinema and Society: For Cinema, I had professor Cho Eunsun, who I loved :)
Prof Eunsun was a very relaxed, yet structured, professor. Her course syllabus was very organized and logical, and she did a great job making sure we covered all of the necessary points in class. The class involved both watching movies and having a dicussion (about one movie per week) and having a small group presentation every week. Sometimes a movie would take more/less time than expected and/or the group presentations would need to be pushed back/forward a day, BUT we still got everything covered nonetheless :)
As far as her personal teaching abilities, I was quite pleased with her!! Her English was excellent and she did well on making the material both relevant and clear to us ^___^

Traditional Korean Society and Modernization: For Traditional Society, I had professor Moon Sangseok. He was a very charming and endearing man (who studied in Texas for a bit) but that class was not my favourite. The material was a bit dry and I feel like the way he went about teaching it (pure lecture style, occasionally accompanied with some interesting notes/diagrams drawn on the board) was, perhaps, not the most helpful. Also, his accent was slightly distracting and we often had trouble following what he was saying :(
BUT, as far as course work, it wasn't too bad. We had a simple midterm exam, and a few papers throughout the course; nothing too stressful ^_^~

Creative Writing: This class was my favourite class I took last semester, hands down. I had professor Frances Cha ^.^ The class involved writing a total of 4 short stories (about 10 pages each) and doing a number of short readings for class discussions. We had a rather small class, so we all bonded well. Professor Cha is quite young and successful (Seoul editor for CNNGo), and she's really funny and real. XD
I could go on and on and on about how much I loved the class and the people...but I'll just say that this class was truly helpful toward my writing skills (though I have no intention to ever write...) and those interested in writing really appreciated it too!

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