It was an all day event x____x
Second, we delivered to Double A, where another nice lady accepted the gift.

Next was Teen Top. We weren't as lucky; no one answered the door/door bell, but we did end up leaving the gift near the office door (similar to what we've had to do for Teen Top in the past...)
After Teen Top, we finally arrived at B1A4's company building, where a very sweet girl accepted the gift for Sandeul.
And, finally, we went to deliver to LEDApple. LEDApple was the only group that I actually had a gift for (it's the big black basket in the photo). I'm a really big fan of the band, and that basket got heavy after carrying it around all day, so I was super excited for their delivery.
We had trouble finding the building at first, so we decided to backtrack a little bit and try again. As we were tiredly walking back, I saw some (attractive~) guys cross the street ahead of us...and I thought that they looked really familiar. It took me a few minutes to begin to recognize them as two members of LEDApple. I told my friend Josh, and we sort of started to follow after them. However, other people recognized them too, so the guys (Kwangyeon and Kyumin) took off running for the nearest alley.
It turned out that their van was in that little alley (which they got into, my friend went to look) but the company building was right beside the alley.
We went to the door and tried to get in, but it was locked and it looked pretty dark inside. We talked about what to do (leave the basket there on the street...?) but as we were getting ready to leave, a man came to the door. After a few minutes of awkward explanations in broken Korean, he just led me to the alley and walked me to the van, where he showed the driver the basket.
I was soooooooooo close to the members, all I wanted to do was jump into that van TT__________TT
The gift was accepted and my friends and I were still standing near the company door as the van pulled away. We stopped in for a brief rest at the company's coffee shop. It was nice and cozy and very clean. Our drinks were tasty too ^_^
As for my gift, it was a bunch of various things. I bought a pair of socks for each member, as well as a little mug, and an apple-shaped plate. There were also different apple-flavoured snacks, and apple-scented face washes. I also put in some toys and a foot massager, candy canes, apple-shaped post-it notes, puppy chow from America, stress spray, and whatnot. I also bought a warm, winter hat for Jason <3
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